Author: GECOS

FresMe Workshop

The FReSMe workshop will introduce the participants to the motivations of the concerns related to the CO2 emissions addressing the climate change issues; an answer will be given with an overview of the possibilities to limit the CO2 emissions introducing the carbon capture technologies. The event will outline the opportunities for the utilization and storage of the CO2…

GRASSHOPPER Press release

GRASSHOPPER: Next generation of flexible and cost-effective MW-size Fuel Cell Power Plant The GRASSHOPPER (GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant) project was officially kicked-off on the 9th and 10th January at the Akzo Nobel facilities located in Delfzijl, where the demonstration phase of the project will take place. All the consortium partners, the members…


The project started January 7th, 2017 and it is planned to be completed by June 30th, 2020. Source:  More information on this project can be found at the following link. Contact Prof. Matteo Romano for additional information at