Category: News&Events

Hydrogen water heater wins the Italian Hydrogen Technology Award and spotlight in “Il Sole 24 Ore”

The Hydrogen water heater co-developed by GECOS wins the Italian Hydrogen Technology Award and spotlight in “Il Sole 24 Ore” — english news below — Il caldaia catalitica a idrogeno per applicazioni residenziali, sviluppata congiuntamente da Giacomini S.p.A. e GECOS all’interno del Laboratorio di Conversione e Accumulo di Energia, ha ricevuto l’Italian Hydrogen Technology Award…

PhD Defense and Graduation – Tristan Merbecks

PhD Defense and Graduation – Tristan Merbecks On Monday, October 28th, Tristan Merbecks defended his Doctoral Thesis in front of an international Committee and was awarded a PhD in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology, in conclusion of his joint PhD Programme at Politecnico di Milano and ETH Zurich. Congratulations!

First Powder2Power results at ASME Turbo Expo 2024

On June 24, 2024, Dario Alfani from Politecnico di Milano showcased key findings from the Powder2Power – Horizon Europe Project at the ASME Turbo Expo in London. His presentation focused on optimizing a solar tower featuring a fluidized particle receiver and a supercritical CO₂ power block. The research, detailed in the paper Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimal sCO₂ Power…

Dr. Paola Bombarda’s keynote at ORC21

Dr. Paola Bombarda’s keynote at ORC21 On October 11th, 2021, Dr. Paola Bombarda (Assistant Professor with GECOS at the Dept. of Energy of PoliMI) held a keynote at the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems (ORC21). Originally planned in Munich, the event took place online due to the ongoing pandemic. The title of her…

Nuove sfide e scenari della transizione energetica

Online seminar “Nuove sfide e scenari della transizione energetica“ On Thursday, October 15th, 2020, Prof. Ennio Macchi (emeritus professor at Politecnico di Milano and founder of the GECOS research group) will moderate an online seminar (in Italian) titled “Nuove sfide e scenari della transizione energetica“, featuring a conversation with Prof. Maurizio Delfanti (RSE) and Prof.…

HiPowAR kick-off meeting

Kick-off for the EU research project HiPowAR: Ammonia as synthetic fuel without CO2 emissions A kick-off meeting at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald marked the start of the EU project HiPowAR. Aim of the project is to develop a groundbreaking technology for the direct conversion of energy from renewable…