Event “Mobility: Technologies and emissions”
On November 6th, 2019, Politecnico di Milano hosted the event “Mobility: Technologies and emissions” (officially held in Italian as “Mobilità: tecnologie ed emissioni”), which was primarily organised by Dr. Davide Bonalumi, Prof. Stefano Campanari, and Prof. Giovanni Lozza – members of the GECOS group.
The first part of the event comprised talks on vehicles technologies and emission mitigation. During the event, Prof. Lozza discussed the challenges of electric vehicles in terms of emissions, driving range, and impact on the electric system. Raffaele Cattaneo – council member for climate and environment of Regione Lombardia – showed his interest for an emissions control policy focused on vehicle use and emissions rather than technology alone. Dr. Bonalumi highlighted how the emission issue relates to the vehicle stock age more than to the drivetrain technology. Prof. Onorati and Prof. Nova – active in other research groups at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano – showed recent research advancements in internal combustion engines and post-treatment of flue gases for emissions control. Prof. Campanari introduced the potential role of hydrogen as mobility fuel capable to interweave energy networks at high renewable energy source penetration. Mr. Mitsuo Hitomi – Senior Innovation Fellow at Madza – presented a comparison of novel vehicle powertrains and highlighted how overall emissions on a Well-To-Wheel perspective are not much in favour of battery electric vehicles, as long as the power grid does not reach full decarbonisation, in line with Mazda’s vision of low-emission diesel engine.
During the second part of the event, Gian Luca Pellegrini – Executive Director of Quattroruote – chaired a roundtable with manufacturers and associations which discussed about the close-future development of effective solutions.
Media coverage:
- Quattroruote (Convegno su emissioni e mobilità: “Contano i risultati, non l’alimentazione”)
- Al Volante (Elettrico? Sì, ma al momento giusto)
- NewsAuto (Auto elettrica vs diesel e benzina, emissioni?)
- Motori (Mobilità sostenibile: Mazda e Toyota protagoniste al Politecnico di Milano)
- Automoto (Tecnologie ed Emissioni, Politecnico: basta pregiudizi sui motori)
- FormulaPassion (Mazda e i controsensi dell’auto elettrica)
- MotoriOnline (Mazda e Toyota al Politecnico di Milano, focus sulla mobilità alternativa)
- GripDetective (Mazda al Politecnico di Milano: per il bene del pianeta c’è bisogno di un approccio multisoluzione)
- La Gazzetta dello Sport (Mazda: le auto elettriche non sono l’unica via per la mobilità sostenibile)
- Il Tempo (Mazda “Industria automobilistica contribuisca a proteggere ambiente”)
- Mazda (Mazda al Politecnico di Milano: per il bene del pianeta c’è bisogno di un approccio multisoluzione)